India has halted HPV Vaccine trials, after 6 girls died during trial. This is alarming. Still we have the websites of these Companies pushing sales of such Vaccines like Gardasil.
Why cant the Health Authorities of the Developed nations stand up and Halt this ongoing victimization in developing nations in the name of clinical/drug trials?
I came across this great site . At least someone took the pains of standing up and educating people.
Few great articles I came across :
My friends lets not go blindly by whats being pushed on us by the Drug Companies/Corporations. All they see is the Customers/Dollars/Money/Contracts in people who are following their Doctors in blind faith. In the end we will be the loosers.
Lets join together in finding Natural Alternatives, and say NO to such Vaccines !!!
Some Natural Alternatives which I could find are:
Great options for fermented foods and drinks are:
- Cultured vegetables - have ½ cup with each meal or enjoy them as a delicious, raw fast food snack.
- Young Coconut Kefir - a mineral-rich probiotic (microflora-rich) drink that you can make with young green coconut water.
- CocoBiotic - Body Ecology's answer to bringing you a convenient way to drink fermented young green coconut water without having to hunt for and crack the coconuts. Replace your soda pop with this delicious, healing bubbly beverage.
- Dong Quai - A fermented probiotic liquid that contains the herb Dong Quai, long prized by traditional Chinese medicine for balancing women's hormones and improving complaints associated with menopause and PMS.