Friday, July 18, 2008

Bring dowm the Oil Prices...Try This!

It May Work !!..A man eats two eggs each morning for breakfast. When he goes to the Kirana store he pays Rs. 12 a dozen. Since a dozen eggs won't last a week he normally buys two dozens at a time. One day while buying eggs he notices that the price has risen to Rs. 16. The next time he buys groceries, eggs are Rs. 22 a dozen. When asked to explain the price of eggs the store owner says, "The price has gone up and I have to raise my price accordingly". This store buys 100 dozen eggs a day. He checked around for a better price and all the distributors have raised their prices. The distributors have begun to buy from the huge egg farms. The small egg farms have been driven out of business. The huge egg farms sell 100,000 dozen eggs a day to distributors. With no competition, they can set the price as they see fit. The distributors then have to raise their prices to the grocery stores. And on and on and on. As the man kept buying eggs the price kept going up. He saw the big egg trucks delivering 100 dozen eggs each day. Nothing changed there. He checked out the huge egg farms and found they were selling 100,000 dozen eggs to the distributors daily. Nothing had changed but the price of eggs. Then week before Diwali the price of eggs shot up to Rs. 40 a dozen. Again he asked the grocery owner why and was told, "Cakes and baking for the holiday". The huge egg farmers know there will be a lot of baking going on and more eggs will be used. Hence, the price of eggs goes up. Expect the same thing at Christmas and other times when family cooking, baking, etc. happen. This pattern continues until the price of eggs is Rs. 60 a dozen. The man says, "There must be something we can do about the price of eggs". He starts talking to all the people in his town and they decide to stop buying eggs. This didn't work because everyone needed eggs. Finally, the man suggested only buying what you need. He ate 2 eggs a day. On the way home from work he would stop at the grocery and buy two eggs. Everyone in town started buying 2 or 3 eggs a day. The grocery store owner began complaining that he had too many eggs in his cooler. He told the distributor that he didn't need any eggs. Maybe wouldn't need any all week. The distributor had eggs piling up at his warehouse. He told the huge egg farms that he didn't have any room for eggs would not need any for at least two weeks. At the egg farm, the chickens just kept on laying eggs. To relieve the pressure, the huge egg farm told the distributor that they could buy the eggs at a lower price. The distributor said, " I don't have the room for the %$&^*&% eggs even if they were free". The distributor told the grocery store owner that he would lower the price of the eggs if the store would start buyingagain. The grocery store owner said, "I don't have room for more eggs. The customers are only buying 2 or 3 eggs at a time. Now if you were to drop the price of eggs back down to the original price, the customerswould start buying by the dozen again". The distributors sent that proposal to the huge egg farmers but the egg farmers liked the price they were getting for their eggs but, those chickens just kept on laying. Finally, the egg farmers lowered theprice of their eggs. But only a few paisa. The customers still bought 2 or 3 eggs at a time. They said, "when the price of eggs gets down to where it was before, we will start buying by the dozen." Slowly the price of eggs started dropping. The distributors had to slash their prices to make room for the eggs coming from the egg farmers. The egg farmers cut their prices because the distributors wouldn't buy at a higher price than they were selling eggs for. Anyway, they had full warehouses and wouldn't need eggs for quite a while. And those chickens kept on laying. Eventually, the egg farmers cut their prices because they were throwing away eggs they couldn't sell. The distributors started buying again because the eggs were priced to where the stores could afford to sell them at the lower price. And the customers starting buying by the dozen again. Now, transpose this analogy to the gasoline industry. What if everyone only bought Rs 200.00 worth of Petrol each time they pulled to the pump? The dealer's tanks would stay semi full all the time. The dealers wouldn't have room for the gas coming from the huge tanks. The tank farms wouldn't have room for the petrol coming from the refining plants. And the refining plants wouldn't have room for the oil being off loaded from the huge tankers coming from the oil fiends. Just Rs 200.00 each time you buy gas. Don't fill up the tank of your car. You may have to stop for gas twice a week, but the price should come down. Think about it. Also, don't buy anything else at the fuel station; don't give them any more of your hard earned money than what you spend on gas, until the prices come down..." ..just think of this concept for a while. .................please pass this concept around....reaching out to the masses ..the world .....

Monday, July 14, 2008

And you thought all was good?

if they pass through 2012 that is. Lets see….Oil has reached $148 a barrel. Globally the people are realizing the facts behind the N W O ….and the illuminati …lets hope something comes up before its too late…right now…the picture if u see from above, is of a Human race that is too caught up in the gizmos and the lifestyle where the movements are getting restricted…people are growing fatter by the day….Cosmetics and Medicine companies seem to be making promises they themselves don’t know the results of….
Land is becoming scarce….Power is getting scarce….what are they gonna run on the gizmos on…?...noone has a clue…its like a Slow but sure Cultural Death …Mayans predicted it eons back…Climate changes are becoming more erratic…its like someone cramping his pockets and not realizing…it has a limited which it will give way…. Check out the global population of people who only get a day’s meal…scraps…its growing…cos Govts are too fking busy to get Control ..hah…of what?....
I sometimes feel…am living a dream…hope to wake up before I die in that dream…. People think its pessimistic to think like this…well…they should see the Overall Big Picture…then tell me where is the question of Optimism?..or is it just words they want to play with.
Imagine for a sec you watching the Globe from above…then all above discussion fits in….slow but sure death of the humankind. Investments going up in Defense…hah…fight who?...Global Terrorism?...who laid down the field for them in the first place?..who gave them the weapons …? when they start using them…..u spend more to stop them? effect Feeding the hungry Arms companies who bag big defense contracts…this time to make the same weapons ..only to shoot down the ones they earlier gave to same nations ….Vicious cycle…J
And people cannot see this?....crap…no one wants to see…coz it will get them to think and stand up…and demand change…which BIG BOSS doesn’t like…and you can be in the missing persons list in a day.

Ants…most organized…largest living organism on the planet…do they have Terrorism?...and Humans are more civilized and with Brains?....
Human Being is the Weakest creation on this planet….an organism who cannot control his NEEDS..and which keep growing and has been the cause of all global pains till now…
God gave it the power to Choose ….else he could have survived eating vegetables which are in abundance….could have coexisted happily…would have kept his Footprint to a Minimum on this Globe….and thus would have been a Part of the Original Plan and scheme of things rather than trying to Play GOD.!

Now they are creating AI….hah…playing God..wait till AI gets to make choices…you will have no one left to pull the plug…so many writers have written about this…they enjoyed so many movies on this..Terminator for Christ sake…I am Legend…list is endless….

Those who want to play GOD …take control….should realize…they also are carbon based…will perish…soon…then what…?
GREED…for POWER…as I said above…you give someone the liberty to CHOOSE ….he starts making Choices 99% Bad ones…as he would not have the foresight to see whats going to result for the CHOICE he made.